Binary Search is a searching algorithm for finding an element's position in a sorted array. Binary search looks for a particular item by comparing the middlemost item of the collection. If a match occurs, then the index of the item is returned. If the middle item is greater than the item, then the item is searched in the sub-array to the left of the middle item. Otherwise, the item is searched for in the sub-array to the right of the middle item. This process continues on the sub-array as well until the size of the subarray reduces to zero.
Time complexity: O(logn)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Follow the given steps to solve the problem:
Begin with the mid element of the whole array as a search key.
If the value of the search key is equal to the item then return an index of the search key.
Or if the value of the search key is less than the item in the middle of the interval, narrow the interval to the lower half.
Otherwise, narrow it to the upper half.
Repeatedly check from the second point until the value is found or the interval is empty.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int ascendingOrderBinarySearch(int array[],int target,int start,int end)
while(start <= end)
int mid = start + (end - start)/ 2;
if(target > array[mid])
start = mid + 1;
else if(target < array[mid])
end = mid - 1;
return mid;
return -1;
int descendingOrderBinarySearch(int array2[],int target,int start,int end)
while(start <= end)
int mid = start + (end - start)/ 2;
if(target > array2[mid])
end = mid - 1;
else if(target < array2[mid])
start = mid + 1;
return mid;
return -1;
int main() {
int array[]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 19, 23};
int array2[]={23, 19, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
int size = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]);
int target= 3;
int target2=19;
int result1= ascendingOrderBinarySearch(array,target,0,size-1);
int result2= descendingOrderBinarySearch(array2,target2,0,size-1);
if(result1 == -1)
cout<< "Not Found"<<endl;
cout<<"Found at index: "<<result1<<endl;
if(result2 == -1)
cout<<"Not Found"<<endl;
cout<<"Found at index: "<<result2<<endl;
return 0;
Found at index: 2
Found at index: 1